Workshop at Supporting Health By Tech Conference 2021 (online) on June 10, 2021. Title of workshop: “Serious games for professional skills: an escape room for exploring the possibilities of eMental Health”
Online presentation by Joyce Bierbooms and Milou Feijt at symposium “Implementatie van eHealth: door én voor professionals” of the ‘Academische Werkplaats Technological en Social Innovation for Mental Health’ on 28th September 2020. You can find the recorded registrations of the presentations here.
Keynote presentation by Wijnand IJsselsteijn at the 23rd Annual CyberPsychology, CyberTherapy & Social Networking Conference (CYPSY23) in Gatineau, Canada (June 26-28, 2018). Title of the keynote: “Telepresence: The psychology of closeness and distance”
Full paper presentation by Milou Feijt at the 23rd Annual CyberPsychology, CyberTherapy & Social Networking Conference (CYPSY23) in Gatineau, Canada (June 26-28, 2018). Title: Enhancing empathic interactions in mental healthcare: Opportunities offered through social interaction technologies
Full paper presentation by Milou Feijt at ‘World Congress of Psychotherapy’ (Amsterdam, June 8, 2018). Title: Towards the diversification of drivers and barriers for the adoption of eMental health by professionals: a conceptual model.
Full Paper presentation by Milou Feijt at ‘Supporting Health by Tech Conference’ (Enschede, June 1, 2018). Title: Supporting the adoption of eHealth: addressing needs of mental healthcare professionals by technology